Monday, May 24, 2021

The New East Berlin

 Papers, Quickly.  It seems that Oregon is going to require a Covid passport to enjoy freedom.

Many might dismiss this by saying that it’s only one state, but I think we all know how this story plays out. There are many people in this country who’ve fallen in love with COVID oppression and it’s a safe bet that we’ll see liberal states and cities turning into New East Berlins and requiring citizens to show their papers to enjoy basic freedoms in public. As we are all painfully aware, liberals aren’t exactly known for governmental restraint:

The push-back on this should be fast, severe, and painful. 


Jim Price said...

As an Oregonian and a retired LEO I find this situation absolutely deplorable. I call it the Germ Gestapo. DUI checkpoints are illegal in Oregon, as they violate the Oregon constitution. How this situation is any different is a mystery to me. There is no way our governor can fail to understand this, but she doesn't care. She is absolutely worthless, and has been on an ego/power trip since she took office.

robert said...

It amazes me how many mild mannered politicians adapted tyrannical attitudes when this whole China virus went down . Of course the ones already acting like tyrants notched it up a grade or two . It's gonna be a big let down to them when all the dirt people get sick and tired of their games . Did they think we been hoarding guns and ammo for 50 years so we can comply with their tyranny ?

Jonathan H said...

This crisis has really shown the tyrant inside MANY politicians.

How long before there is a lawsuit? Under federal law you can't discriminate against those who refuse an experimental treatment or favor those who accept it.
But Oregon has done arbitrary and illegal things for years and mostly gotten away with it... I too hope this is challenged hard and fast.