Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cleaning the EDC

 In the midst of the chores today, when I took a break for lunch, I decided to clean the EDC.  My choice is a SW Shield in 9mm.  I bought it during the height of the pandemic, and during the height of biden's gun-run.  July of 2020.  It rides in a nylon Comfortable Holster from Craft Holsters.

Ten minute job, easy-peasy.  A brush through the bore, a drop of oil here and there, and inspect it as I re-assemble it.

It's a quick easy job and I try to do that ever couple of weeks. Just to make sure that everything is copacetic.  How often do you clean your EDC?


Old NFO said...

Every couple of weeks, shoot at least one mag through it each month to cycle ammo and magazines.

Anonymous said...
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BobF said...

Target is first of the month (on the Outlook calendar), but within a day or two of it usually. P365 SAS