Sunday, October 20, 2024

Ten Commandments of Gumbo

 There are rules about Cajun gumbo that have been passed down through the generations.  Like all commandments, they are sometimes broken, but with repentance, these transgressions can be forgiven.

1 Thou shalt never use tomatoes in Cajun gumbo. The Creoles sometimes slip a tomato product into their gumbo, but Cajun gumbo hath no tomatoes.

2 Thou shalt not use Un-Cajun Sausage.  Louisiana makes plenty of sausage.  Andouille and smoked sausage work just fine.  The one exception may be Conecuh sausage.  It's made in Alabama but tastes like it is made in Louisiana.

3 Thou shalt not use store-bought roux. Just don't.  Take your time and pride of craft to make your own roux.

4 Though shalt always use a bowl.  Don't put gumbo on a plate.  Only Philistines and Yankees would commit such a sin. 

5 Thou shalt only use a wooden spoon.  When you're cooking roux or assembling the gumbo, a wooden spoon is an absolute necessity.  We might use a metal ladle to dip it out for serving, but the wooden spoon is critical for a good roux.

6 Thou shalt always adhere to the "gumbo to rice" ratio.  It's simple match.  Two parts gumbo to one part rice.

7 Thou shalt always have filet available.  Filet, or ground sassafras is a gumbo staple.  Some folks like it, some folks don't.  But it is a sin to make gumbo and not have filet available for those who like it.

8 Thou shalt not mix chicken and sausage with seafood.  Just don't.  If you want a seafood gumbo, make it.  If you want a squirrel or a duck gumbo, make that too.  If you use catfish, it is called a court-bullion.

9 Thou shalt not tell people where the potato salad goes.  Some like it in a separate plate, some like it in their gumbo.  It's personal taste, and none of my business.  Nor your business either.

10 Thou shalt always stir counterclockwise.  I don't know where this one came from, but I always stir counterclockwise.  It just always been like that.  I'm sure it is a minor transgression and has no detriment to the gumbo.

If you get down to New Orleans, all these rules might not apply, but the Creoles have been thumbing their noses at the Cajuns for years.  But, just because someone ignores the rules don't mean that the rules don't apply.  Repent and prosper.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Gumbo Weather

 If this cool snap has done nothing else, it has certainly lifted our spirits from the doldrums of the summer. I went to the grocers this morning, and ran into three people who were making preparations to make a gumbo.  Which is exactly what I was doing.

When the weather gets cool, folks all over Louisiana get a twitch, a compulsion, to make gumbo.  I have a small whole fryer and four leg quarters in the pot, along with a stick of butter, four bullion cubes, with salt and pepper, starting to make the stock I'll need.  I have cut up three pounds of good sausage and have chopped onion, bell pepper, and celery to add to the mix.

When the chicken gets fall-off-the-bone tender, I'll dredge it from the pot and set it aside to cool.  After lunch, I'll gather my implements and make a big roux.  After the gumbo is assembled, I'll let it cool and put it in the fridge.  I have called some friends, and after church tomorrow, I'll put it back on the stove to heat, and make a pot of rice.

The basic recipe is here.

Friday, October 18, 2024

We Voted

 Early, in-person voting started today in Louisiana.  Belle and I went tot he polls and cast our ballot for the presidential election, a congressional election, and a state constitutional amendment.

We vote at Kees Park in Pineville.  When we got there the line was out the door, approacking the parking lot.  After we voted the line had gotten tot he parking lot.  Belle and I have been early voting for several years and this was the longest line we had been in.  Plenty of machines and workers, the line moved smoothly and we were done in about a half hour.

It was not a bad time at all.  If they'd let me, I'd do it again tomorrow.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Evidently, the Jewish world is celebrating the death of Yahya Sinwar, the political leader of Hamas.  This asshole was the planner for the October 7th attack last year and was the prime target of the IDF in Gaza.

From all accounts, Sinwar was a truly evil peckerhead and got the treatment that truly evil peckerheads so richly deserve. He didn't get a bomb dropped on him, or a missile to the forehead, he got shot by the IDF.

Nobody is going to miss this asshole.  I mean, hell, his mamma named him Ya-Ya.

Interesting Question

 Some of us were talking last week, and a question was posed: If a citizen is forced to commit a justifiable homicide.  A purely justifiable case of self-defense.  Is that citizen required in law to notify the police?

We all agreed that if you have to kill someone, calling the police is a good idea, but that wasn't the question.  Are you required to call the police?

This question was posed to a retired state trooper with 20+ years of service, and to me, a guy who carried a badge for 37 years. The two of us were stymied.

Let me be clear, in any situation of self-defense, there are only two roles. The victim and the bad guy.  You, as a good guy/victim want to call the police, if for no other reason than to have them come and remove the corpse.  But, the question remains, are you required by law to call the police?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cool Snap

 On the way out the door this morning with my first cup of ambition, Belle told me that I might want long pants.  She was right.  It was cool and breezy on the back porch this morning.

Before I left to run errands, I put on a flannel shirt for the first time since last winter.  It's nice outside, cool and breezy with temps in the 50s. My first errand was to take the dog to the groomers, where he will come home shorn this afternoon.  He'll freeze his little butt off, but Belle is looking for his sweater.

We'll have warm weather again, but this little break sure feels nice.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 According to the latest Louisiana census data, the state is 31% black.  With six congressional districts, the recent Democrat governor wanted to add a second minority district.  The legislature was unable todo so without some severe gerrymandering, but they drew it anyway.  Louisiana's 6th district stretches from Baton Rouge in the southeastern part of the state, to Shreveport, in the northwestern part of the state.

PawPaw happens to live in the new district, so I'll be forced to vote in that district.  I just pulled my sample ballot, and learned that thankfully, there is one Republican on that ballot, Elbert Guillory of St. Landry parish.  Guillory is black, but he is a registered Republican in a field of Democrats.  My choice is simple.  I'll push the button for Guillory, and hope that he prevails and represents us well.

Would I Ever

 The conversation came up this weekend.  Would I ever vote for a black woman?  The answer is, yes I would.  When that woman's political philosophy, mental acuity, and moral values align with mine, I'd vote vor her.

Two examples come quickly to mind.  Condoleezza Rice and Candace Owens are examples of women that I would vote for..  Both of these women have political philosophies that align with mine.  Intelligent, conservative, tough, and smart enough not to run for office, I think these ladies are great.

Would I vote for a black woman?  Sure, the right black woman.  The current pretender is not in either of their leagues.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Walz Fumbles

Tim Walz, trying to be a guys guy, fumbles with his shotgun during what appears to be a staged pheasant hunt.  The clip is early inthis video, 

The shotgun in question is a Beretta A400, a thoroughly capable sporting shotgun.  I've never used one myself, being more of a Winchester, Remington, or Browning guy, but with a little familiarization, I'm sure I could do a better job than that.

Walz is a poser.  We've all known them, the guy who talks a good game, but when it's time to go downrange and get stuff done, he's a ghost. I'm not voting for that guy.