Sunday, May 30, 2021

David Chipman - Insufferable Fool

David Chipman is biden's nominee to head ATF.  In this video, Colion Noir has aggregated the absolutely embarrassing moments of his confirmation hearing. In this string of clips, it becomes absolutely apparent that this fool knows little to nothing about firearms, in fact, is woefully wrong on several occasions, and can't even seem to come up with a working definition of the phrase "assault weapon".  He acts as if he's never heard the term, although he worked as an anti-gun lobbyist for several years.

The video is 37 minutes long, and watching the whole thing is painful.  But, this is the state of the anti-gun lobby today. 

It's Sunday afernoon, and I have nothing better to do.  I think I'll pour myself a drink.


Old NFO said...

Thanks for taking one for the team. I'll pass on listening to his stupidity. I saw enough during the actual hearings.

dogsledder said...

David Chipmonk must be stopped- one way or the other.