Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Everything Old

 Everything old becomes new again.

I remember the gas lines of he early 70's.  While I earlier attributed it to Jimmy Carter, I was wrong, it happened during the Nixon years.

But, with last week's revelation of a ransom-ware attack on the Colonial pipeline, the east coast is fearing a gasoline shortage, which is fueling a run on the supply of gasoline.  Long lines, stations our of gasoline, it reminds e of the early 70s.

This shortage shouldn't last long.  The pipeline company will figure it out and the petrol will start to flow again.  But, the political operatives will never let a crisis go to waste.



robert said...

I read an interesting article last night by a guy much smarter than me . He stated that this whole deal has been orchestrated by the government for their nefarious purposes . Which would be to place the crypto currencies in public disfavor because the hackers want paid in bitcoin to avoid being tracked and the gov wants to stop any untrackable currency . Makes a lot of sense and I would put nothing off the table for this current administration.

BobF said...

I used to be a great DISbeliever in conspiracies many years ago. But as the Internet has matured over the decades and social media has become a tremendously common and effective tool for organizing almost everything, I tend to accept the proposition more willingly.

I think in most cases we will never know.

Old NFO said...

Yep, three days and panic started... sigh