Thursday, May 27, 2021


 Sorry for not posting yesterday.  I was trying to do a Good Deed, and I didn't take time to sit down at the computer to continue my scribbling. My Good Deed is something I am struggling with, and I pray that God will show me the light to do the right thing.

However, there is a post at PJ Media that says that only six percent of those who identify as Christian actually live a life with a biblical worldview. 

Most Christians Are Frauds, Chilling Study Suggests. Here's What You Can Do About It

I was talking with a congregant at Church the other night, and I mentioned that I loved our Church because it was filled with sinners, and I"d rather worship with sinners than with saints.  The congregant smiled, and said that he had been to churches filled with saints, and he didn't think that Jesus showed up there very often.

Our pastor, a man with advanced degrees in theology, freely admits that he is not a religious man, but is instead a Christian.  He follows Christ, wherever Christ might lead, and he admits that the he is still learning how to be a Christian.

I am a sinner.  I freely admit that, and try to modify my behavior when I sin.  I deplore my sin, but don't judge others for theirs. Being a Christian is a continuing process. Sometimes sin appears innocently, and requires discernment over time. But, if I have to choose between a religious perspective or a Christian perspective, I'll take Christ every time.


Jonathan H said...

While there are many problems with the church today, I think the study and the article are going overboard in their attempts to paint a dismal picture.
I have had considerable theological education and I would have trouble giving the desired answers to their questions.

They also don't appear to have taken into account the fact that we are all sinners and are imperfect - what this study is really saying is that 6% of American Christians think they ARE perfect.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe God is expecting Perfection. I think struggling to choose the Right Thing (why is the Right Thing nearly alwasy the hardest choice ?) and choose Good over Evil is what he seeks.

As well as Appreciation for this wonderful world that was built for us. A day in the woods, the beach or on the mountains always makes me humble.

Judy said...

I always understood the word 'Christian' to mean 'Christ-like'. I am most definitely, not, 'Christ-like'. I try to be a follower of Christ and there are days when I fail miserably.

Pigpen51 said...

I am a sinner, saved by grace. And I am made perfect by Christ's self sacrifice. There is no way that a person can be perfect, no matter how good of a life he or she may live, since we are born into sin, through the sinful nature of Adam.
I also have some theological education, as well as much study on my own, over the years. The one thing that I am positive of is that once we are adopted by God, and able to call Him Abba, Father, we cannot be unadopted. He may punish us, to teach us a lesson, or to steer us a different way, but He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

Ryan said...

To paraphrase Boobdock Saints I think there are minor league sinners and major league sinners.

A person who is lustful for the neighbors beautiful wife, jealous of their cousins new pool, steals small office supplies from work, has that 3rd or 4th drink but still drives home and doesn’t report some cash income on their taxes is technically sinning in multiple ways. However they are a far cry from a heroin dealer or serial rapist/ murderer.

Ryan said...

To paraphrase Boobdock Saints I think there are minor league sinners and major league sinners.

A person who is lustful for the neighbors beautiful wife, jealous of their cousins new pool, steals small office supplies from work, has that 3rd or 4th drink but still drives home and doesn’t report some cash income on their taxes is technically sinning in multiple ways. However they are a far cry from a heroin dealer or serial rapist/ murderer.

Ryan said...

To paraphrase Boobdock Saints I think there are minor league sinners and major league sinners.

A person who is lustful for the neighbors beautiful wife, jealous of their cousins new pool, steals small office supplies from work, has that 3rd or 4th drink but still drives home and doesn’t report some cash income on their taxes is technically sinning in multiple ways. However they are a far cry from a heroin dealer or serial rapist/ murderer.

pigpen51 said...

Sorry I just saw this today. I understand why you say that, and in some ways, it seems correct. But in the Book of James, 2:10, I think that it explains that the way the Lord sees it, we are all on the same footing, being sinners, only able to be redeemed through the path to the cross.
But I

pigpen51 said...

Oops! I am in no way saying that one person is of the same character as another, who are the examples that you gave. If course someone whose lives are filled with horrible things will stand before God, like everyone, and each will be rewarded according to their actions in life. 2 Christians will both be with God, but each will have different rewards, based upon their lives. Exactly what that means, is something I am honesty not sure of. It may be a reward that we can lay at God's feet in worship, and so the better we lived our lives for Him, the more we can lay at God's feet.
Or it may be a reward of responsibility in eternity. I have to say, I am far from an authority on anything, I sometimes am not certain of many things. And I certainly could be totally off point in this. If one thing I am fairly certain,and that is that it was only through Christ that humans have been reconciled with God, and that it was all part of His plan from before eternity. Mind blowing, I know.
Be well,and I am glad for your response, I still will be thinking about this for awhile. But even Peter said that the Apostle Paul wrote some things that are hard to understand, or to take in.