Tuesday, December 14, 2021

So, Who Is Next

 I'm seeing a lot of speculation on who will run for president in 2024, and honestly, I don't have a clue.  I've been wrong so many times, and the future is so uncertain that there is no way I will hazard a guess, although most people don't care what I think.

If someone had asked me in 2013 who would be elected in 2016, Donald Trump would not have been in the conversations, but we all know what happened.in 2015.  In other words, it's too early to speculate.

However, if I had to place a hard bet on who the net president would be, I'd have to say Kamala Harris.  Actuarial tables are funny things, and Joe is on the downhill side of those tables.  I'm not wishing him any ill will in the mortuary sense, but facts are facts.

If somebody wants to run for president, come up with a plan to end spam and scam phone calls.  That plan should include public floggings for people found guilty of such crimes.  


Termite said...

DeSantis is looking better and better as a potential GOP candidate.

Old 1811 said...

Speculating on elections more than three years away isn't a good policy. After all, in 2007, all the speculation was whether Rudy Giuliani could beat Hillary Clinton.

be603 said...

My bet is on Tulsi Gabbard making a run for the center as a D. She's playing the "reasonable" person card hard, loud and often. Must be taking notes from Bill and his experience running from the middle in the 90's.

She's dangerous.