Saturday, November 05, 2022

The Clock Moves

 I am reminded that tomorrow morning at 3:00 a.m., we set the clocks back to 2:00 a.m.

When I was a road cop, I hated working that shift.  First, because it was a night shift, and second, because 2"30 came twice.  There may have once been a valid reson to adjust the clocks twice yearly, but that time is gone.

If Biden wanted to do something useful, he would ram through legislation to simply cancel Daylight Savings Time.  It would be bipartisan and would clear both houses with veto proof majorities.

But, he doesn't want to be useful.

1 comment:

Javahead said...

The Senate passed a bill to put us on DST year round last March with unanimous support. The House hasn’t even voted on it - Nancy Pelosi put a hold on it (maybe to focus on Jan 6 witch hunts?) so there it sits.

I’d prefer permanent Standard Time, but permanent DST would be a lot better than what we’re dealing with now.