Tuesday, November 01, 2022

That Whole Pelosi THing

I'm sure by now you have heard of that whole Paul Pelosi thing, where he was hit in the head by an intruder and had to have surgery. We wish him a full, complete, and speedy recovery.

As I learned in police work all those decades, initial news reports are often wrong.  I'm happy to wait for a better reporting of the incident, but the corrections simply don't make any sense.  The SFPD doesn't use body cams?  Where is the tape of the original 911 call?  The Pelosi cottage in SanFran doesn't have security video?  The questions keep coming, and the answers don't shed any light on the situation.

I hope that Paul gets better quickly.  I really do, but this whole kerfuffle is starting to look like Jussie Smollett 2.0.


be603 said...

yeah, something queer about the whole thing.

B said...

No security video and No security personnel when Nancy is not there? None?

How did dude get to the Pelosi residence? No car, so......?
Lots more, but those will do for now...

Dave said...

SFPD does use body cameras. A quick search on youtube confirms they're lying about that.

Jonathan H said...

From what I've read elsewhere, Queer is the right word to use for this situation.

Jonathan H said...

From what I've read about what really happened, video would extremely embarrassing and would show they are lying about what happened.

Justin_O_Guy said...

initial news reports are often wrong.

And sometimes the initial reports are unvarnished and uncensored and have information that will be removed from the next report.
No security camera footage, showing our underwear wearing Trump supporter smashing glass that naturally didn't set off any alarms.
No body camera footage showing the third person who opened the door, oops, no, no third person, Pelosi ran over and opened the door, and instead of stepping out to the safety of being outside and away from his attacker, he went Back and started wrestling for the hammer.
We will never Know what actually happened.
So, I'm going with Pelosi went out, picked up a dude for sex and it went badly.