Thursday, December 10, 2020

Yes, and Yes

Jonathan H asked in comments:

 I saw a claim that the Louisiana AG joined the suit. Is that accurate, or wishful thinking?

Yes, it's true.  The Louisiana AG has joined the Texas suit, along with a host of others. 

Is it wishful thinking?  Yeah, I believe so.  I suspect that the Court will deny the suit.  However, I think that the American public deserves more than a single-line denial.  I'd like to see some opining about the nature of elections, and who is approved to change rules during a pandemic.  I'd like to see their thoughts, for example, on how they square what happened in Pennsylvania with the Constitution.

I believe that the Republicans have an opportunity here, to strengthen voting laws, to toughen the integrity o elections.  We won a bunch of down-ballot seats all across the nation, and we should not let this defeat go to waste.  

The Georgia election will surely be a bellwether on the course of the nation for the net two years.  I say two years, because there are congressional elections in two years, and we have an opportunity to re-take the House.  Biden's policy choices certainly won't follow conservative norms, but I think that we can show the folly of let-wing governance and turn the party and the nation more toward the center.

I don't expect the Supremes to overturn the election, but I hope that their answer is "Well, the Deocrats cheat better than the Republicans".

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