Saturday, December 05, 2020

More Hypocrisy

 The drum-roll of hypocrisy from our ruling class continues apace.  It seems that three judges in Texas have been busted for violating their own covid mitigation rules.

I learned something in the Army a long time ago.  Whatever you insist that the troops do, you must also do yourself.  Set the example.  Take on the burden.  Don't expect something of them that you are not willing to do yourself.  This is basic leadership.

Our elected leaders have forgotten this basic leadership tool.  The only honorable thing for those people to do is immediately resign.  Step down as being unfit for office.  They certainly have no moral authority any longer.


BobF said...

Judges are elected/appointed to exercise judgement. Seems many absolutely fail in that most primary aspect of their jobs. They prevail at the bench and in the robe, but fail otherwise and see no problem with it. More truth behind the statement that we have no justice system, just a legal system

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about leadership, but these people aren't leaders, they are rulers. And the nobility has always been able to get away with ignoring the rules that are applied to the peasants. That lasts until the peasants have had enough and revolt.


Clayton W. said...

NEVER give an order that you know won't be followed. I guess the corollary today is "NEVER give and order that you won't follow."