Wednesday, December 16, 2020

What Are They Going To Do When It Is Over?

 What are they going to do when it is over?  The vaccine is starting to roll out, and the petty tyrants tell us that the end is in sight  Not tomorrow, but soon.  Eventually, those of us who are left will emerge into the sunlight following the dark days of 2020.  And we will see our government for what it has become.

I'm not talking about the federal government, although sometimes it tends to focus the worst tendencies of the tyrants.  It was Trump, after all, who locked us down in the first place.  Remember "14 days to Slow the Spread?"  The governors and local officials got in lockstep real quick.  That has turned into ten months o economic devastation.  Mainly through the tender ministrations of state and local government.

During this experiment in government control, many of us have been learning the lessons that they tried to teach us.  .Too much government is bad for business.  Too much government is bad for private citizens.  Too much government turns us all into paupers.  We've become quite comfortable mocking local officials.

Sitting at home, twiddling our thumbs, trying to learn what we can learn, some truths come to light.  We are not a free people any longer.  Not that we have been for quite a while, but now, certainly not.  The horsemen of the apocalypse are upon us (Covid, Communists, Corrupt politicians, and Conniving bureaucrats).  These four do not bode well for a free people.

Free men don't ask permission.  Free men don't ask forgiveness.

We had the perfect storm of the worst tendencies of government for the past ten months, and man of us are seeing that those tendencies do not bode well for a free society.  Yet, in the recent election that is still playing out, we see an ascendance of those worst tendencies.  We may be approaching the darkest days in our Republic since 1861.

Free men don't ask permission.  Free men don't ask forgiveness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Free men don't ask permission. Free men don't ask forgiveness."

A big Hell Yeah from here. Asking permission to go outside and do our jobs / occupations ? Asking permission to stay inside until the local jurisdiction gives the 'All Clear' message. When did they become the boss of me and you ?

It becomes more clear to me than ever why they want foreign citizens to move here and be automatically American Citizens. They want to replace us. Replace us with people who were not born with our God and Constitutional Rights. People born in countries where compliance is the rule, not the exception.

Because Americans are such a nuisance, they do not recognize their betters.