Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Lots of News

 It seems that Rep Eric Swalwell., D-CA, has been banging a Chinese spy.

Back in the day, I knew a lot of Far East soldiers that absolutely adored oriental hootchie.  It cost some of them, and their security clearances and their jobs.  The Army did not suffer fools as easily as the Democratic party seems to, these days.

Speaking of the Army, I see that Fort Hood undergoing a shit-storm.  Evidently a bunch of leaders have been fired or suspended, citing the "leadership climate".  Fort Hood is a large military post, home to the 1st Cavalry Division, the 1st Armored Division, and the 3rs Armored Cavalry regiment, among others. It's a huge post, with lots of General officers. 

I've been on posts that were undergoing a "leadership change", and it ain't pleasant.

I see that Alabama and Louisiana want to join the Texas suit against the battleground states.  I doubt our Governor (hack, spit) is okay with that.

The news today is a wild ride.


Old NFO said...

Ah yes, yellow fever... sigh... And I'm betting he's having a hissy fit down in Baton Rouge!

dogsledder said...

ALL democrats are communist Chinese spies !
Fixed that for ya.