Wednesday, December 02, 2020

In The Barbershop

 I went today to get my December haircut.  It's an old country barber shop in a tiny community in the parish.  One barber chair, patronized by country folk.

When I walked in, everyone was socially distancing, but not a mask in the shop. The main topic of conversation was the recent election, and the decided opinion that the Democrats are trying to teal the election.

Duck hunting, of course, and grandkids were woven into the conversation.

Our governor was routinely dismissed.  The general thrust of that conversation was that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about and spends too much time saying it.


dogsledder said...

"Duck hunting, of course, and grandkids were woven into the conversation." \No wonder they were talking about how the dimmocrats are trying to TEAL the election...

robert said...

The Woodies go through my woods in the river valley quite often . It is startling to be sitting on a stump and have a half dozen of those acrobatic engineers go by you at what appears to be around 50 mph weaving in and out of the huge old Black Walnut trees like kamakazis on a mission . Not a hunter but the beauty of a Wood Duck is amazing . I'd have to be mighty hungry to ever kill one of them . I have a condition the American Indians termed "being touched by the Great Spirit ". When the tribe would raid a village,settlement,or home and they would slaughter every living thing they found that if a person had a supernatural affinity to critters they left them alone without harm knowing that "the Great Spirit" would take immediate and terrible retribution on whoever brought harm to that person that was "touched" . Not all bad I guess .

Jonathan H said...

Your governor, and mine, and many others remind me of the old saying:

Keep your mouth shut and let people wonder if you're an idiot, or open it and confirm their suspicions... your choice.

Of course, as a governor he surely thinks he isn't an idiot...