Monday, December 07, 2020

Garland Favorito: Ware Cty GA

I found a Twitter feed this morning while drinking coffee, and started to do a little digging.  It seems that the Dominion machines were using an algorithm that switched votes from Trump to Biden, roughly on the order of 87% to 113%

We start hearing these stories and th first few are easy to dismiss.  Then, the cumulative weight of them stats to pile up, and before long, we start to suspect a massive, systemic fraid was perpetrated onthe American people.

You start to notice that the narrative keeps changing.
First: "There is no voter fraud."
Next:  There is no evidence of widespread vote fraud."
Then:  "There is no evidence of systemic fraud."
Finally: "Well, it wasn't enough to make a difference."

If the American people ever lose faith in the systems we use to collate votes,; if they lose faith that votes aren't counted fairly; if they ever start to believe that elections are rigged, then the Republic is in trouble.  Huge trouble.  There is no margin of error when we're counting votes.  Every vote matters.

When we hear of "machine glitches" and "human error", then you start noticing that in every example, the errors tended to skew in the same direction, you start wondering 

The evidentiary pendulum notched down last week, ever closer to the lifeblood organs of a concerted and thuggish scheme now strapped down on a slab by Rudy Giuliani and the President Trump legal team. At the very least, any potential Biden/Harris administration is doomed to asterisk from the standpoint of historical legacy. It is in no way clear that they came close to winning the 2020 election.
The last thing that elected officials of any party should ant is for the people to start doubting the validity of any election.  From Dog Catcher to POTUS, we must have faith that the vote was counted correctly, accurately, legally, with no margin of error.

1 comment:

Termite said...

The "boxes", in the order of proper use:

#1. "Soap box"; vocalize our grievances to our elected officials, for redress.
#2. Ballot box; self-explanatory.
#3. Jury box; refuse to convict persons charged with bullshit or "political" crimes.
#4. Bullet box; when the previous methods above all fail.