Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Making A Mockery Of Themselves

 Driving around today with the radio on, I heard that the US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving the NCAA and student-athlete compensation.

I came home and Googled it.

Sure enough, the US Supreme Court is willing to hear a case about whether or not NCAA athletes can get paid.

But they  refuse to hear a case in which one state is suing another over vote fraud.

In the grand scheme of things, which case do you think might hold the greatest interest in the formation of the American experience?  Election fraud, or student compensation?

The US Supreme Court is making a mockery of themselves.  I certainly can't mock them, my feeble efforts are sorely lacking in the manner in which they mock themselves.  


Old NFO said...

Wow... I missed that one. And yes, kinda strange...

dogsledder said...

The Supreme court* is stabbing our President and our nation in the back. By condoning and approving of this stolen election, they have nullified every document since the Declaration of Independence. If we can no longer choose our own leaders and representatives, we are merely SLAVES. If we want a society of laws and justice, we will have to start over from nothing. Our government is done. Our masters now dictate who our President will be and what our laws are, with NO input from us. That is SLAVERY, pure and simple.

dogsledder said...

* The Supreme court is like regular court but it has sour cream and tomatoes.