Monday, December 14, 2020

A Compact of States

 Much has been made of the call by Allen West for a union of states to defend the laws and constitution of the United States. Some call it sedition.  Not me.  

States have long entered into agreements about how to address certain common problems.  One that I worked under for many years is still an active agreement between states.  The Interstate Compact  for Adult Offender Supervision.  This agreement between states regulates the reatment of adult offenders who are supervised as probation or parole.  It's been around for a long tie and works pretty well.

A union of states to achieve a noble goal is not sedition, and no one said anything about secession.

I would support a group of states banding together to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.  It's an oath I swore many years go, it's an oath that every elected official swears, and it's a laudable goal.  States banding together to uphold the Constitution is a great idea.  They should be doing that all the time, anyway.  And, we should hold those officials accountable who fail to uphold the Constitution.

We can certainly band together to insist that our judges and elected officials take seriously the oaths they've sworn, and we can and should hold them accountable when they fail.

Colonel West's full statement is here.

Now, let's have no more talk of secession.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Agreed. He NEVER called for sedition. Made up 'quote'... sigh