Saturday, May 06, 2023

King Chuck

 As I drink my morning coffee, I see my news feeds are proclaiming that the UK is crowning King Chuck today.  Because our Brit cousins are seven hours ahead of us, they're probably doing ti as I type this.  Good for them, and good for Chuck.

More locally, it's raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock outside.  We have a family gathering today and it is good that Belle and I built this 2000 foot gathering place.  We're dry, with plenty of room to spread out.

The church is supposed to rodeo tonight and I'm on the list to cook burgers.  I'll have to check later today to see if the rain has rendered the arena into gumbo mud.  That has ben known to happen.  It's a rainy Saturday morning in central Louisiana.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

You got what we had yesterday...