Sunday, January 15, 2023

Daddy's Name

 So, we all know that Huter Biden knocked up a stripper in Arkansas.  This is not news.  He's paying child support.  He wants it reduced because he is a sleaze bag.

The mother of the child wants the child to take and use the Biden name, as is customary in cases where the Daddy knocks up the mother.

Hunter is resisting, because he is a sleaze bag.  As far as I know, paternity is not at issue. By every social convention that is right and proper, the child is entitled to use the Biden name.  Even if Daddy is the ultimate sleaze bag.


Old NFO said...

LOL, insult AND injury... Love it!

zdogk9 said...

Why would she want to burden her child with that name?

juvat said...

Name? No way would I want an offspring of mine associated with those crooks.

Their Money? Now that's a horse of a different color.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with the mother of the child. Paternity must bear the brand of its manufacturer. It isn't the kid's fault at how they were brought into this world.