Monday, May 23, 2022


 It's not just pilots, it's lots of things.  There is a perpetual nursing shortage, exacerbated by the Covid crunch. Becoming a registered nurse takes four years, and there are not enoug in the pipeline.

Water System Operators.  You know, the guys who get clean drinking water into your house?  Those guys.  I have two sons who are Level 4 operators, and they tell me that there is not enough young people in the field to replace those guys who will retire in the coming decade.  Same thing with Sewer System operators.  It's not clamorous work, but it pays well, and is vital to a functioning civilization.

Not to mention waiters, truck drivers, and a host of other physical trades.  These jobs aren't fashionable, but they are vital to society.  There are lots of jobs out there that need to be filled.  Oppostunity abounds.


Old NFO said...

And sadly, nobody wants to actually work...

BobF said...

Home from a trip. At favorite truck stop restaurant both ways 1/5th public serving area and less than 1/2 drivers' area were open. Only THREE servers there. Was told nobody wants to work (given location, good labor pool) and the few who have hired on they leave after 8 hours. Only the old hands are still there and few at that.

Jonathan H said...

Don't forget electricians, plumbers, Mason's and more ..

Anonymous said...

not to mention all the people that were fired for noncompliance to the jab