Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Should Kerry Be Charged?

 There is some reason to believe that John Kerry, president biden's climate czar revealed to Iran a number of covert Israeli operations.  At this point, Kerry is denying the allegations, so we'll use the scare quotes around "allegedly".

Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Republican foreign policy leaders in Congress are demanding a formal investigation into John Kerry following revelations he informed Iranian leaders about covert Israeli military operations.

John Kerry is despicable, that is not news.  We've known that since Vietnam.  Why anyone trusts hi with anything is a matter of grave concern.  But, if true, is this revelation treasonous?   Some say that he should be perp-walked, and I'm not opposed to that, but there might be a better way, although I don't expect the biden administration to follow trough.

If I were the puppet-master, I would simply let Israelis know that we don't condone Kerry's acts and that we would honor an extradition warrant.  If Kerry revealed Israeli secrets to Iran, let him explain that in Isreal before their courts.

Problem solved.


Termite said...

Maybe we could get Benjamin Netanyahu to go a few rounds in a boxing ring with Kerry.........

Would be entertaining to see Bebe kick Kerry's ass.....

Sabre22 said...

I think they should remove all security from Kerry and let the Israeli's settle the issue. If he blabbed then he disappears. If he didn't then they don.t

ruralcounsel said...

Kerry should have been breaking rocks in Leavenworth a long time ago.