Friday, September 16, 2016


High School football players watch film so that they can know what type of mistakes they are making on the field.  It's good to see yourself from another person's perspective.  The other day when we were talking about Rule 17, I highlighted a young shooter who was shooting behind the front lip of the holster pouch.  That's one extreme.

Our game is about speed, combined with accuracy.  I knew in Kentucky, my times were slower than normal, but I didn't understand why.  Then, my friend, Miss E started posting pictures, and I understand.  I had fallen into the habit of extending my shooting arm,  Maybe it's years of law enforcement training, maybe it's years of reading Jeff Cooper, but shooting without seeing the front sight is still just a little odd to me.

All three of these pictures were taken on Friday, a week ago during the Category matches, and it shows why my times were so slow.  Look at the arm extension.

And again,

And again,

Those photos came from three different matches, and it shows me extending the shooting arm every time.  On that particular day, I was hitting the target, but my times were slow.  Now I know why.

And, I know what I have to do to fix it.


Old 1811 said...

Also, you're shooting with the wrong hand.
There's a reason it's called the "right" hand, you sinister person.

Anonymous said...

That fella behind you, the one with blue jeans and white shirt; is he showing the correct rule 17 style?


Old NFO said...

Yep, you're doing the 'right' thing by one set of standards, but not for fast draw...LOL

Pawpaw said...

Steve asks about my opponent. The guy in the jeans. Yeah, he's showing good form. Get the gun our of the holster and when it feels right, trip the trigger.

This sport is as close to pure reactive shooting as you can get. We react to a light, and don't use sights. He's doing it right.

Pawpaw said...

Oh, and Steve. I beat him, by the way. He wasn't hiting the target and I was. I believe that the final score was 1-3.

Anonymous said...

Ha, snicker, kinda figured that
