Monday, January 18, 2021

Nothing Says Commander-In-Chief

 Nothing says Commander-in-Chief like being afraid of your own troops.

FBI vetting Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack.

And, they want us to believe that this election was fair and transparent.  But'

 And nothing says “normal, legitimate election” like a swearing-in behind 12 feet of razor wire and 25,000 troops that you’re not sure you can trust.

Everything I'm hearing, DC is an armed camp right now, but the troops don't have ammo in their weapons.   Fences and razor-wire around the Capitol.  They are really acting like they're scared.

These are not good optics.  And, the media isn't asking a lot of questions.


Stuart said...

Optics? They don't give a damn about optics. The time for optics has passed. That lack of understanding is causing many people to totally misread the significance of events.

They are in power now and they don't give a damn if you think it was "fair" or not.

It is time now for loyalty oaths and demonstrations of fealty. Who can genuflect the lowest. Who can denounce the opposition the loudest. I will remind you that military loyalty screening has happened early on in every totalitarian regime in history.
The purges are next.

You had better come to grips with the fact that Wed. Jan 20th at 12:01 the old game is over. You Lost.

ruralcounsel said...

Lost? If I'm not dead, I'm not finished.