Thursday, January 28, 2021

Isn't It Incredible?

 Isn't it incredible, just one week into the Biden administration, that blue state mayors and governors want to reopen their economies?  It's like the China virus suddenly receded now that Donald Trump is gone. Instapundit noticed too:

Given how incredibly political this pandemic has been from the beginning, many people smell a rat. Is it really the case that the reopening of the American economy, particularly in blue states, is so perfectly timed? Do the science and politics really line up so well?

Color me just a little bit cynical.  I'm sure that they are all listening to the science, and have been all along.


Sabre22 said...

Only the totally clueless believed that if Biden Won the election that magically all the blue states that were locked down would stay locked down and NOT open back up.

Old NFO said...

Concur with all.