Friday, October 15, 2021

Irish Democracy

 An interesting New York Post column about the public's response to irrational Covid restrictions.

If regular democracy isn’t doing so well, maybe it’s time to fall back on “Irish Democracy.”

That’s what Yale political scientist James Scott calls the passive resistance of a society that doesn’t like what its rulers are doing to it. In his book “Two Cheers for ­Anarchy,” he writes, “One need not have an actual conspiracy to achieve the practical effects of a conspiracy. More regimes have been brought, piecemeal, to their knees by what was once called ‘Irish Democracy,’ the silent, dogged resistance, withdrawal and truculence of millions of ordinary people, than by revolutionary vanguards or rioting mobs.”

As it turns out, most of Louisiana has been practicing Irish Democracy for over a year.  Last year, when they were begging us to stay home for Christmas, we had a great Christmas.   Since then, we have routinely ignored our governor, who desperately wants to be a petty tyrant.

Last week, I wandered into a store, on an errand from Belle.  An employee at the door asked me if I would like to wear a mask?  "Not particularly" I replied, and kept walking.  No issues, no problems. Had the employee insisted, I would have simply trued and gone down the street.  Other merchants exist to provide alternatives.

I took the government at their word, when they said a year ago that if we got vaccinated, we could return to normal.  I consulted with my doctor, decided that the jab was worth the risk, and then returned to normal.  We have learned since then that those pronouncements were a hollow sham.  The vaccine really doesn't provide immunity, that the vaccinated can still succumb to the virus, and that this whole exercise is more about the power of bureaucrats than it is about immunity.  

I choose freedom.


Judy said...

'Irish Democracy' sounds a lot like common sense.

Whatever said...

The sooner another storm comes along and washes you and the rest of you hillbillies off the map, the better.

Old NFO said...

Concur with Judy. And yes, we aren't complying out here either.

Termite said...

I've never heard people in Louisiana being called "hillbillies" before.

After all, the highest point in Louisiana is a whopping 535ft above sea level....

Mike-SMO said...

Yeah, but......

What I suspect with the vaccine "mandate" (not even a "law") is a ploy to remove people willing to think and act in their own self interest and create "vacancies" for the "defectives" who couldn't otherwise get a job or keep one. I seem to recall a Bible story in which the people for a critical military operation were selected from the ones who stayed upright and ready as they scooped up water with their hands as opposed to those who bent over and became vulnerable as they bent face down to the surface of the water.

Anything can be a "test". In this case, taking a vaccine with risks and no benefit when ordered to. This will leave voids in the employment rooster that can be filled with those loyal to the regime, who were otherwise not employed due to a fantasy of "Racism". In the USPS, they forced early retirement to make way for a new population, some of whom can't even read address labels. I think that the vaccine order is just an excuse to cull the herd.

Dave O. said...

Well, Whatever, you're a delightful anal polyp. Why not take a flying...leap at a rolling donut?