Thursday, December 15, 2022

Shocked, Shocked I Say

 I always thought it was an odd coincidence that the Covid pandemic erupted from the very city in which the Chinese study such things.  What are the odds?  Of course, we were called conspiracy theorists

Turs out, it seems that our suspicions, on purely common-sense grounds, may have some basis in fact.

 Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee are alleging in a newly released report that there are "indications" that COVID-19 could be tied to China’s biological weapons research program and "spilled over" to the general human population during an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

I mean, c'mon man.  China has a bioweapons program with a research lab in Wuhan.  What are the odds that a global pandemic started there, with a virus that they were studying in the building? 

I know that science entails risk, but a prudent approach might be to weigh the risks of a global pandemic against whatever benefit might result from knowing a little bit more about a virus that might wipe out every person on the planet.

The evidence is becoming more and more compelling that the Covid pandemic was not so much a tragedy as much as it was an horrific crime against humanity. The challenge now is to bring those people to justice.  Those in China may be out of reach, but there is also evidence that much of this research was funded by sources in the United States. Those people should answer for their crimes.


juvat said...

Once again, hitting the nail on the head.
Or to quote Sherlock Holmes, "“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

Jonathan H said...

It used to be that dangerous diseases were studied in remote areas, such as Plum Island off Nantucket or in the Utah desert... For some reason that has changed recently; I don't know why but it looks to me like the arrogance of "it can't happen here".

BobF said...

For the first week following the initial announcements I told everyone it sounded to me like a military move. All I got was "You spent too long in the military -- you're nuts."

Yeah. Right.

Anonymous said...

There is no, none, ZERO doubt this was cooked up in the wuhan lab, and using our taxpayer money.
Nevermind the fraud and allegations of lying under oath to congress... you think they made this bug so they could study it? As a research project? No Sir, they mean to kill you with it (actually the Vaxx is the killing agent, but I digress). Lying to congress under oath is not a problem at all if your goal is genocide!
Listen, when it first came out the media lied and obfuscated until they couldn't anymore. But you're going to trust them to be telling you the truth on this issue now? Are you really that daft?
Take it a step further cupcakes, they simulated this whole 3 year affair a couple months before they kicked it off, called it Agenda201 (look it up!) The very same people just had another table top exercise in October about a nasty virus that targets children more than the elderly. Coinky-dink? Roll up your sleeves!!! They got a new killshot out of the lab to stick you with.

Termite said...

Bob said: "For the first week following the initial announcements I told everyone it sounded to me like a military move."

I thought the initial Chinese response was exactly what a government would do if an experimental pathogen escaped containment.
Fortunately COVID was far less deadly than the Chinese thought.

be603 said...

...and our NIH and "I AM the science" Fauci were complicit in funding that (illegal in the USA) gain of function research.

Once again we see our tax dollars at work.

Drew458 said...

"A research lab"? No, at the time of the outbreak Wuhan had FIVE of them. All studying coronaviruses, anthrax, plague, etc. Remember that wet market thing? There was a lab a couple hundred yards away. Studying bat diseases. This is NOT the Wuhan institute where "bat lady" Shi Zheng-li works. But they were all controlled by the military, and she was high up in the power pyramid. Which implies she had knowledge and probably executive power at the other labs. So she may not have been lying when she made that early "I swear on my life the WIV lab had nothing to do with this at all" ... no, it was at another lab across town. Maybe it was the lab that got disappeared. Decertified, decommissioned, records burned, all the workers sent somewhere else. All this was in the news in the very early days of the pandemic, but most of it has gone down the memory hole by now.

China is finally getting a taste of it's own, the covid (or something new!) running rampant across the country. Military is guarding the portable crematoriums again, to keep the inquisitive away.