Thursday, December 22, 2022

On Bond

 It's being reported everywhere that Scam Bankrupt Fried has been released from a US Court on bond.  $250 million bond.  His parents had to put up their home as security,   He has been ordered to live with his parents, surrender his passport, and obtain mental health treatment among other things.

That's fair, I guess.  He is ignorant innocent until proven guilty and is certainly eligible for bond. His momma can cook him vegan meals.

His butt-ugly girlfriend has turned states evidence.  His investors are mightily pissed.  He would do well to stay indoors, listen to his lawyers and maintain a low profile until this whole thing blows over.  And, I suspect it might well blow over.  He's too politically connected to have a single-tired justice system put him away for a long time.  This one will be interesting to watch, but he is out of jail for the time being.


Old NFO said...

Yep, he'll walk... grrrr...

Judy said...

Does this make it easier to Arkancide him, or is it because two Epsteins in a row is too obvious? 
I damn sure wouldn't want to be in his shoes.  But then again, my mama's sage advice of "don't do anything you don't want to have to own" has rung loud and clear when I thought about doing something less than honorable when I was younger and stupider. (Not that I don't do stupid stuff anymore. It's just not as likely to harm others.)

Anonymous said...

Not one single day in jail, you watch.