Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Internal Calendar

 I have to keep reminding myself that it is Tuesday.  My internal calendar is all screwed up and for some reason, I think it is Monday again.

Christmas is over and we approach the New Year, which will be here pretty quickly.  I admit that I am approaching it with some trepidation.  It is filled with opportunity, and hope,   I'm fixing to bail off into some family duties that I'm not sure I want to be involved with, but which by necessity must be done.  A wise man (I think it was Sam Clements) once said that "There is not much education in the second kick from a mule", and that's where I think I may be headed.

God's will be done.


BobF said...

And when all the stacked up mail arrives today you will be SURE it's Monday! I've got parcels from Amazon, FedEx, and USPS due today, and UPS tomorrow. Think I'll just put a church bingo table out front.

Old NFO said...

Do what you gotta.