Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Justice, Not Revenge

 I see a post over at PJMedia that says the GOP is considering investigating Dr. Anthony Fauci if they take back the Congress in November. 

Congressional Republicans are floating the idea of investigating Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Biden administration’s response to the COVID pandemic should they win back the majority in the midterms.

Don't investigate him for the Covid response.  We forget that he was advising President Trump and could not have moved forward with the Covid response without the approval of the president.  There is a lot of blame to spread, but I think that we should be very precise in our investigations.  Better, we should investigate Fauci for his participation in gain-of-function research that led to the pandemic.  He was giving grants to the Wuhan lab, and they were working on bioweapons.  If he didn't know, he should have known.  If he were giving grants nilly-willy to a lab in communist China in some high-faluting of doing dangerous research without proper oversight, he may be respnsible for the whole pandemic.

I'm just saying.

There is another article at PJMedia that asks if the GOP should look ahead to a 2023 revenge agenda?

No, just no.  We have too much work to do to simply get America back on track.  Revenge is a bad idea in government.  Justice, certainly, but never revenge.  Let the voters take revence.


Old NFO said...


Jonathan H said...

Good point, and changing the country to what it should be will be the best revenge anyway.

kamas716 said...

Gain of function research, lying about research behind the covid response, conflict of interest in advocating for products he had an interest in, and possibly illegally patenting work done for/with government property. There's lot's of stuff I think he could be investigated for, and possibly imprisoned for if found guilty.

Mike-SMO said...

Since the GOP is in the bag for our economic state they are unlikely to make any useful changes. They might as well get Fauci for the damage he produced. The problem is that the GOP knew or should have known what he was doing. They did nothing and will do nothing.There is too much grift involved for the Uniparty to take action. They have a prosperous retirement to protect.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Lord, the man is worse than a liar and a crook. He killed millions with intentionally wrong policy, while receiving kickbacks from drug manufacturers. Going back to the 80's!!!
He should hang from his neck until the buzzards pick his bones clean, then buried in a ditch that pigs use as a toilet.