Monday, April 04, 2022

Scope Bite Is A Real Thing

This is a food review channel that I enjoy.  In this episode, Sonny goes to Alabama to try wild pig.  In the opening minutes, he gets scope bite. Five stitches worth of scope bite.  I have to give him props, though, because the nex morning, he's out hunting.


Drew458 said...

Maybe now he knows about proper head placement, or how to adjust the focal distance? And honestly, just about any old rifle will do the job on any hog under 200lb, so a mild recoiling .30-30 or .44mag will work just fine. No need for a .338mag in a BAR. Heck, a .32-20 would do the job too.

Old NFO said...

Ouch! But he did man up and get back out there!