Monday, March 28, 2022

Okay, Let's Talk About THis

I noticed this, this morning. Evidently, Chris Rock was cracking jokes at the Oscar's and he made a crack about Will Smith's wife.  Will Smith went up on stage, and bitch-slapped him.

Oh, the outrage from the artsy-fartsy crowd.  Violence is never acceptable.

Where I come from, if you talk about anther man's wife, yo can expect to get bitch-slapped, or worse.
You can talk about me all you want, but when my wife comes into the conversation, beware.  

I don't have a problem with what Will Smith did, and if Chris Rock has a problem, he should taste his words before he speaks them. If they leave a bitter, bloody taste in his mouth, he should reconsider.

Only an asshole talks about another man's wife.


pjk said...

Yes - but if you or I had been in the audience and Rock made a joke about our wives - we would have been hauled out by security and arrested after we slapped Rock - At best, Smith should have been asked to leave and his Oscar could have been collected by his wife who actually appears to have instigated this whole mess by being a bad sport about her short hair. Smith at first appeared to be amused by the joke, but Jada was not amused.

Yes, she has alopecia - which she contracted by having her hair in too tight corn rows for too long. My message to her would be to get over yourself.

Steve said...

My grand-daughter has a dear friend that has alopecia. That young lady is bald and has no eyebrows. Jada plinket smith (or what ever her hyphenated name is) presents as someone that shaves her head....AND that bald spot she has and uses as an excuse for having alopecia....seems to me you could jot that down as a normal variant.
Regarding the comment about too tight of cornrows. It's a known fact that Amish women have receding hairlines due to pulling their hair back in a tight bun.

Unknown said...

Chris Rock is a comedian ( will let you draw your conclusion about how good or bad he is at said job) his job Is to tell Jokes. WILL and Jada Smith are also actors and such it is there job to have jokes made about them. Long story short Will Smith essentially just forfeited any tight to be able to claim any moral high ground the next time he tells an offensive joke about anyone.