Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Congress Does Vital Work

 With all the challenges and problems facing America today, it's great to know that Congress is doing what it can to make us all safer, more prosperous, and less afflicted by things like illegal immigration, our-of-control inflation, energy independence, ... you get the idea.

For example, the vital work necessary to outlaw lynching.   Yeah, that's right.  Lynching.

“After more than 200 failed attempts to outlaw lynching, Congress is finally succeeding in taking the long overdue action by passing the Emmett Till Antilynching Act,” crowed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “Hallelujah. It’s long overdue.”

I'm pretty certain that lynching was already against the law. At the time of Till's killing, murder was against the law.  Murder is a crime in all 50 states.  Why Congress felt compelled to act on this legislation at this time, with so many other competing priorities is beyond me.

On the other hand, an anti-lynching law is a no-brainer, which pretty well sums up Congress today.  No brains.


Glypto Dropem said...

I wrote about this yesterday on my blog. A commenter made the observation that they were doing that to protect themselves in the event constituents decide its time to drag them from their homes and offices to decorate lampposts.

Anonymous said...

Hope your drives are drama free and you do well at your events.

Robert Orians said...

Wow ! Finally I can get a good nights sleep with no more fears of being drug out of my bed and lynched . Heh ! Thank you congress critters .

Old NFO said...

Sigh, talk about no brains...