I walked outside to the truck this morning and noticed geese in the front yard. This is part of the gaggle that hangs around here, but I haven't noticed them any where but in the pond lately. When I grabbed the camera and went back outside, I found that they had moved across the street to the neighbor's yard.

With a good pellet rifle, I could be eating goose for lunch.
Take the gander first. Those filthy things each dump a full pound of some of the nastiest, most foetid waste in the animal kingdom every day. Here in WA it is illegal to feed the damn things in most jurisdictions. Some of he tree hugging gaiaists think we should encourage the geese to stick around. Right up until one of their kids is attacked and a chunk of adorable toddler face is ripped off and eaten. Canada geese are far more dangerous than an equivalent number of out of control pit bulls. The best method of dealing with them is to kill 'em on sight, thus encouraging the rest of the flock to keep on migrating next best is to find and addle the eggs, so he geese stay on the now inert nest. If the eggs are fresh, they are delicious and wonderful in baked goods or to make omelettes and quiches. I have drilled the shells, addled and blown the contents into a bowl for later use, then filled the empty shell with plaster of paris, returning the eggs to the nest. Yes it's a bit of fuss, but fewer Canadas in the neighborhood is well worth the effort. They are indeed delightful, roasted with sausage and mushroom stuffing.
Gerry N.
Any geese that are not full-blood Canadas are "escaped domestic fowl", and as such, may be taken and eaten according to Oregon law, anyway.
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