Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Cancellation - I Think Not!

 Let me push back just a little on this cancel thing that Budweiser is experiencing.  I've read that Anheuser-Busch market cap has lost some $3 billion over the past month, but is that the fault of the American beer drinker?

A quick inventory of my personal beer lockers shows no Anheuser-Busch products. I have Miller High Life, Miller lite, Corona, Abita, and Sam Adams products.  But no Bud.  I haven't had a Budweiser since college.

American consumers are making a choice, individually.  Luckily we have lots of choices in the beer aisle. If you want to market to transvestites, go ahead.  It's all about choice.  If you are selling beer and want to market to beer drinkers, that might be a better choice.  I'm not sure how much beer the transvestite community drinks.

I don't drink much beer.  Maybe one a month, but when I do drink beer, it's good beer.


Anonymous said...

FAFO. This time, in market terms.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

There is a story about a man who confronted his wife for spending $800 a month on cosmetics.

She justified it by noting that he spent $200 a month on fine whiskey.

He persisted in his interrogation. She started crying. "But honey, I do it so I can look good for YOU!!!"

Then he said, "That is what the whiskey is for"

Those transvestites seem to invest a lot in make-up. I would bet they don't spend much on drinking goods.

greggBC said...

Have never bought a Bud Light. I did drink one once when I was offered a beer and that is what was in his Beer fridge.

Arthur said...

Corona is owned by Anheuser-Busch AnBev

Angus McThag said...

We normally get our beer from one of the local microbreweries.

The owner of our regular haunt says, "traffic has doubled since Bud did this."

Craft breweries are making bank on this.

Dave said...

"Pretty women make us buy beer. Ugly women make us drink beer." -Al Bundy

Anonymous said...

Ding ding ding!
Winner winner chicken dinner!
Your beer is brewed by... 1 of 2 companies, unless you seek out and purchase an independent label..
Sweetwater is up by me, available in North Georgia!