Saturday, April 25, 2020

Rocket Man - Pininng For the Fjords

It seems that a Chinese news network is reporting that the North Korean dictator is deceased.  Defunct.  Near room temperature.
A female vice-director of HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television, a Beijing-backed broadcast network in Hong Kong, claims that Kim Jong-un is dead, citing a “very solid source.” TMZ reports the woman is a niece of the Chinese foreign minister.
Cool.  The death of a tyrant is always good news.  I'm not sure what this means in the short run, because North Korea's power transfer mechanism is fairly... medieval.  I'm sure that the top generals are all looking at each other sideways.

The story is that L'il Kim went in for a stent and the doctor botched the operation.  That doc will either be considered a hero of the revolution of will be found dangling from a convenient light pole.  Either way, so much for socialized medicine.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to wish death on anyone, but some have certainly caused an accidental smile when reading obituaries ... :^)

Until MSM calls it, I'm still considering this attention wanted by North Korea. Not the 1st time this has happened.

Termite said...

Rumor is St. Peter had to put several of his Gate Guards on report, in particular Col. Chesty Puller and SST. R Lee Ermey, for "excessive celebration."

Old NFO said...

Apparently the doc and family are already... gone...