Sunday, February 26, 2023

Probable Cause

 The US Energy Department has concluded that the probable cause of the Covid pandemic was a lab leak in Wuhan China.

The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID-19  pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified report recently provided to the White House and several members of Congress.

No shit, Sherlock.  The FBI concluded as much in 2021.  Those of us with common sense concluded that in 2020.  Big lab in Wuhan studying corona virus.  Everyone gets sick with corona virus.   Where would you think it came from??  Probably not the wet market down the street.


Dave said...

Maybe a dumb question, but why is this coming from the Dept of Energy?

Shouldn't this be coming from CDC or NIH?

Xoph said...

Now ask why, why was China conducting gain of function on a Corona virus? Because the US was paying for it. Why?

Also, why do this outside US boarders? Why do this with a nation with a history of stealing intellectual property and who has made no bones on their position vis a vis the US?

The US is to blame. I am surprised there have not been more repercussions because of this.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall a former U.S. President saying this and got slammed from MSM, even though all of the early stories talked of China flu and workers from Italy who worked in China having a major increase in cases. The apparently - it all went away, scrubbed by MSM.

be603 said...

This is my shocked face.

Drew458 said...

The virus spread in Italy in the fashion garment districts, Milan etc, which had a huge Chinese labor force and several direct flights to China daily. Not to mention how this thing really took off right around Chinese New Year.