Friday, September 07, 2018

Booker is a Democrat

If you've been paying attention (even peripherally) to the Senate Judiciary hearing on Brett Kavanaugh,  you've seen Senator Corey Booker (D-Not-from-here) expose his disdain for rules and his understanding of Robert's Rules over and over.  It's apparent that he is running for President.
In my experience, people who are having an “I am Spartacus” moment don’t typically have to announce that they are having one. In reality, Booker was transparently jockeying for position in the already-begun invisible 2020 presidential primary.
Booker's problem is that he views everything through the lens of race, and he is convinced (along with the rest of his Democrat colleagues) that Kavanaugh is a stone-racist.  So, Booker makes this big pronouncement that he is releasing a document that  is marked "confidential" to make a point.
Interestingly, the information Booker claimed to break the rules to release only proved that Kavanaugh is, in fact, not a racist. Booker didn’t actually break any rules because the documents in question had already been cleared for release. His stunt backfired.
Yep, the document hasd already been released, and it didn't show that Kavanaugh is a racist.  Quite the opposite.   Because, you see, Corey Booker is a Democrat.

Here in the Deep South, the Democratic Party used to me mainstream, but many folks who know how to think independently left the Democratic party when it became apparent that it was the party of the plantation.  Another appellation of the south is the term "Bless his heart" which we reserve for folks who do silly things.  One that I've heard lately down here is "Oh, he's a Democrat" , which means that the things a person says or does may not necessarily conform to reality.

Bless Corey's heart, I believe that he is a Democrat.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

That he is... and the beclowning of the party continues!