Friday, September 28, 2018

I Don't Understand

Watching the confirmation hearings yesterday, I rally don't understand how the Democrats have sunk so low.  Evidently, the Democrats from the South are different from the ones from the North or the West.

Growing up in Louisiana, the Democrats reigned supreme.  Conservative, rural, agricultural, they resisted change for the sake of change.  Oh, guys like Huey and Earl would promise a chicken in every pot, and tried to help the little guy, but they were basically rational people who understood the basic difference between right and wrong.  They played by the rules.

Probably our most interesting governor of the modern age, Edwin Edwards, was a Democrat.  Many called him crooked, but he was beloved many people.  Belle would vote for him tomorrow if she had the opportunity.  Of course, Edwards wound up going to the federal pen for corruption, but he didn't complain about it.

Even as late as the early part of this century, we had the Blue Dog Democrats.  A group of conservative or moderate Democrats who served in Congress.  What I saw yesterday was the very worst display of close-minded arrogance I've ever seen.  The local Democrats may be colorful and amusing, but I believe that they're basically fair-minded people.

Unlike the display we saw yesterday.  From Stephen Green
It's been a show unlike anything we've ever seen, exposing for anyone willing to see just how venal and corrupt the Left has become, and how much they despise Constitutional government and simple standards of decency.
I mourn decency and civil discourse.  The Senate is supposed to be a debating society.


Jonathan H said...

Yet again, Democrats have shown that they care only about power and will destroy (or attempt to destroy) anything and anyone who stands up to them.
When ever I hear people claim that both parties are the same, I immediately know they are a Democrat even if they claim to be independent or neutral. Both parties are NOT the same!

JimB said...

Democrats be Democrats. They have replaced Socialists and Communists since the 50's. I wouldn't trust a Democrat to tell me the sun was shining and the sky blue if we were both standing in an open field.