Saturday, August 11, 2018

Jihadis in New Mexico

I'm sure you've all read by now the story of the jihad compound in New Mexico that was raided by law enforcement and found children being trained to commit school shootings.  The trainers, of course, were Muslim extremists.

If you haven't read about it, it's a fascinating story about abducted children child trafficking, and a Muslim with ties to a radical mosque in Brooklyn, NY.  Of course, the mainstream media wants to push the story under a rug, probably a prayer rug.

Nicole Russell has an informative piece on it at PJMedia.

A phobia is an unreasonable fear of something.  A person can have an unreasonable fear of anything:  Spiders, snakes, being outside, or clowns  If it's unreasonable, it's a phobia.

Islamophobia is not a thing.  It's not unreasonable to believe that Islam is something to be watched with a wary eye..    They want to kill us.  Not all of them, but enough that we can draw reasonable conclusions based on the available evidence.


Judy said...

Here's something scary to add to the story, I've read (haven't fact-checked) the FBI knew about it and did nothing; which doesn't surprise me given what I have read over the years.

Here's what chaps my butt, if it is true, the FBI allowed those kids to be abused?! Those agents are as guilty of abuse as the adults inside the property. Why haven't those agents been arrested and charged right alongside of the guy charged?

Beans said...

Judy, it's because the FBI considers itself better than the rest of us.

When the local Sheriff found out about it, he held off for a bit, upon the FBI's recommendation, but finally he and his deputies couldn't take it any longer.

And now a Judge has released all 5 of the suspects.

We are doomed if this continues.