Monday, June 05, 2006

Pinnacle of Bush Derangement Syndrome

This is it, guys. I've found it. Bush derangement syndrome doesn't get any better than this!
The conservative politics of the Bush administration forced me to have an abortion I didn't want. Well, not literally, but let me explain.
In this article a self-professed "42-year-old happily married mother of two elementary-schoolers" tells us that she and her husband had sex and she got pregnant and it is all Bush's fault. This is the ne-plus-ultra of liberal thought.

Not one word about practicing safe sex. Not one word about personal responsibility. Not one word about a baby being a logical product of unprotected sex. Nothing about tubal ligations, or vasectomies, or abstinence.

It's all Bush's fault. So, she had an abortion that she didn't want.

She needs to have a long talk with her parish priest.

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