Monday, June 19, 2006


While I generally can't tolerate Communists, you have to admire the Chinese sometimes. Like this latest trend in Corrections science.
Makers of the death vans say the vehicles and injections are a civilized alternative to the firing squad, ending the life of the condemned more quickly, clinically and safely. The switch from gunshots to injections is a sign that China “promotes human rights now,” says Kang Zhongwen, who designed the Jinguan Automobile death van in which “Devil” Zhang took his final ride.
Like a Bookmobile, or a blood-drive van, these things offer the latest in customer service. No more waiting in the main prison. Spend your last days near home, in the local lockup.

Then one day, the Death Van pulls up in front of the Courthouse. Got any condemned prisoners? Trot them out. Louisiana ought to order a couple of these things. Texas needs a half-dozen.


NotClauswitz said...

It's a van, so how many can they fit in there? ;-)

Anonymous said...

The switch from gunshots to injections is a sign that China “promotes human rights now”

Oh, that's rich! That's kinda' like saying: since I stopped beating my wife with a stick and switched to something soft, like a belt, that I support women's rights now.