Sunday, September 06, 2020

Water Table

 After Laura, m first job was to erect a privacy fence that had been destroyed.  Not a bad job, but it required digging holes in the yar.  I'm an old-time post-hole digger, so I got out the tool and started drilling holes in the back yard.  I wanted to set an 8-foot treated 4X4, three (3) feet in the ground, and anchor it with Sacrete.  That is my standard fence building technique.  

The original fence had been put in with 2" thin wall pipe.  It lasted more than ten years, but eventually, the water gets in and rusts the pipes at ground level.  4X4s are best in this region.  Take my word for it.

I dug the first hole and went inside to cool off.  When I came out, the hole had partially filled with water.

That's what happens in Louisiana when we dig a post hoe after a storm. I sent this photo to my son, who lives in New Mexico.  He runs a crew that occasionally digs water wells, and I thought they would get a kick our of seeing water just under the surface.  It's not something they get to see every day.


Anonymous said...

Our water table down here in south Texas is likewise very high, but not quite that high. And very saline to boot - drinking it requires distallation to make it potable.

Old NFO said...

Well, you won't have to carry water to get the sacrete wet... LOL