Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Elyas' Vegetable Soup

We're hosting grandson Elyas this week.  Yesterday he told me that he needed some "yummy vegetables", and wanted to cook a small, simple soup for lunch today.  So, we went to the store this morning after chores, and got the ingredients he wanted.

Elyas' Vegetable Soup.

One stalk celery, chopped.
One tomato, chopped.
Six small red potatoes, chopped.
Handful of baby carrots, chopped.
Half-bag of frozen green peas.
Half-bag of frozen cut corn.
Chicken broth
Salt, pepper.

Elyas prepping vegetables.

Dump prepped veggies into a pot, cover with chicken broth, and simmer for an hour or so, till the carrots are tender.

With the weather so far the hottest of the year, I'm not sure that vegetable soup would have been my first choice, but that's what is for lunch.  It's probably a lot more healthy than anything I would have come up with.


Termite said...

Onions......where's the onion?

Melissa said...

I love that kid!

Anonymous said...

What Termite said. Great kid!