Sunday, January 14, 2024

Winter Storm

 Everybody around here is bracing for the winter storm.  The temps are dropping outdoors right now, and while it's not supposed to be terribly bad today, we are in for a hard freeze tonight. The problems will come tomorrow, when we are expecting the temps to continue to drop, with a "wintry mix" of precipitation tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday norming, the temps should bottom out, then start a warming trend.  I'm not worried about the snow, sleet or ice, as it is supposed to be a light dusting, but the temps are supposed to be down in the low teens, and this will become a broken pipe storm.  

We'll be fine, it just may take a couple of days to thaw out.


Old NFO said...

Yep, facing the same up here, but thankfully no precip!

Sabre22 said...

We haven't been above zero here in Montana for the last 6 days. Back to a near normal winter. Since I don't watch the new. Have they blamed climate change yet???