Wednesday, January 24, 2024

In Other News

 In a minor political story, we learn that Trump wins the New Hampshire primary. This comes as no real surprise to anyone who follows politics even casually. This race is shaping up to be a classic faceoff between the lunatic left and the MAGA right.  There is no middle ground, and there are no middle candidates.  At this point, the differences between the candidates could not be more stark.

It's down to outside factors now, as it always is.  Will the rogue courts prevail and actually jail Trump?  Will Biden succumb to the stress and be reduced to blithering idiocy on live TV?  Or, God Forbid, actually keel over on the national stage?  We have only had one president die on national TV and there are still questions about how that happened.

In other news, I see that the Supremes have ruled, allowing the Biden team to cut razor wire along the Texas border, to improve the chances of migrants getting through.  In response, Texas is stringing more razor wire. That is uniquely Texas.

On a more mundane level, we're trying to decide what to do for lunch.  Belle believes that we need to cook some chicken wings, and I'm not opposed to that option.


Anonymous said...

Regarding the border barbed wire:

Paraphrasing President Andrew Jackson -

The Supreme Court has made its decision - now let them enforce it.

Anonymous said...

The side story is that at 2300 last night bitem had 10K write-in votes. This morning by 0500 he had 50K.
Shocking, simply shocking.

Termite said...

Short version:

Dear Mr. Chief Justice Roberts:

Here is a shovel. Yonder is a pile of sand. Behind you is your ass. Some assembly required. Isn't the Tenth Amendment a wonderful thing?

Love and kisses, the Governor of Texas

Hat tip to Aesop.