Friday, January 19, 2024

Pitt Grill

 Pitt Grill may be the oldest continually operating restaurant in Alexandria, LA. When I was a young man hanging out in honky-tonks, Pitt Grill was the sport for a late evening breakfast.  They're always open. This was back in the early 70s, and it was an old dive back then.

Belle and I don't do the honky-tonk scene anymore.  But, we spend times in doctors offices, and many times we are fasting.  After the appointment, we run over to Pitt Grill for breakfast.  We did so this morning.  Two eggs, over easy, with bacon, has browns, grits and toast. Coffee of course.  When we got there late, they were out of biscuits, or I would have opted for them.

Coming home, we were listening to talk radio, and it seems that if we elect Donald Trump, it is going to be the end of democracy.  The United States will become totalitarian. Electing Trump will be the greatest setback to democracy since Marbury v Madison.  Or something.

This election cycle is getting truly bizarre.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Oh, I've eaten in that Pitt Grill more than once! I didn't realize they were still hanging on! And yes, things are getting 'strange'...