Friday, February 25, 2022

John Kerry, Idiot

 Climate czar John Kerry is concerned that the Ukraine crisis might divert attention from climate change.

I shit you not.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry appeared for an interview to express his regret that the war between Ukraine and Russia is distracting people from climate change.

Damn, John.  It's bad enough that you are irrelevant,  without displaying your stupidity.

I wonder what Russia's carbon footprint in Ukraine looks like today?

The last thing I'm worried about today is climate change, which I believe to be a total farce.  It's apparent that John Kerry is not a serious person, and should never be trusted with serious tasks.  He is totally unsuited to the job. 


Robert Orians said...

Don't tell Dear John but we turn on Co2 gas in our greenhouse to stimulate growth . It makes everything grow much faster . That is also why and how the good Lord made Earth to be self regulating . The more Co2 man makes the greener all the worlds plants get . And you are right . Kerry is an idiot .

MinMin said...

None of the Democrats are, and most of the Republican aren't neither.