Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Very Bad Day

Came home this morning from running errands, and found a State Trooper conducting a traffic stop in the road beside the house.  I watched for a while to make sure that the trooper was okay, then went inside.  It appeared that some redneck had violated one or more of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. 

I went inside to do check email, ten about 30 minutes later head the beep-beep-beep of a backup alarm.  Went back outside and saw this:

Yeah, the truck is getting towed.  The trooper was still sitting just out of frame at camera right.  Somebody is having a very bad day.  I didn't recognize the redneck, so I can't identify him.  Just another day in the life of a State Trooper.  From what I know about the traffic laws, I'd bet that there wasn't any insurance on that pickup.


Flugelman said...

Ya pays yer money and takes yer chances, huh? Was the redneck in the car with the trooper or did he have to hoof it home?

Old Grafton said...

Always a bad day when yr ride has to go for a ride.....