Friday, January 06, 2012

Bitten by a Goat

The Friday news dump is that Jon Huntsman was bitten by a goat while campaigning in New Hampshire.
"He took a bite out of my kneecap,” Mr. Huntsman said “Is there a better indicator in the state of New Hampshire than how well you do with the goat?
While interesting I don't think it's much of an indicator, except that it indicates you were near a goat. Back duriing my Mother Earth News phase of life, I raised goats on our small hobby farm, along with a variety of other wildlife. Goats will bite you wherever is most available and because they're knee-high, they often seem to bite people on the knees.

If you're around goats, Jon, stand on a stump (in itself, an honored political maneuver). Then the goats will bite you on the toes.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

LOL, sad state when something like THAT Is newsworthy...