Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Stigmatizing White Men

CNN seems ti feel that the largest terror group in the US are right-wing white men. 
On Tuesday night, CNN's Don Lemon urged people to stop demonizing "any one group or any one ethnicity" and, in the very same breath, stigmatized "white men ... radicalized to the right" as "the biggest terror threat in this country." So, conservative white men are not "any one group or any one ethnicity"? Oh, right, according to "intersectionality," we're not people!
Yeah, like the guy who opened fire on the whole Republican softball team?  The same guy who shot Steve Scalise? 


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Usually someone bad mouthing others knows they are a piece of ___ themselves and need someone to feel superior to, IMO.

Old NFO said...

I'm surprised they didn't throw the 'veteran' card with that... sigh

Anonymous said...

If white men were the greatest terrorist threat, things would go to Hell quickly, because white men are very competent at mass killing.
Himmler, Stalin, and LeMay, to name a few. When white men start mass killing, the world burns.
Good thing white men don't get riled up too often.